'Hey you, want to read about my rambles? My life?
Hey are you bored? Are you looking for something to do, to read?'
I've gotten over (kind of) writing 'Read if you want to' because that's automatically putting a negative feeling into the status, .. 'Please read me?' I mean it's cool, I'm cool if you don't want to, that's fine too..
I don't know, really I'm still new to this blogging world and I am getting behind on posts that I should have done a while ago and then something new happens and I'm like OMGGGG I want to write about this. Hence why at the moment my blog is a little bit here and there.
'Hello Everything, Hello Now, Hello Then'
I'll get there honest. I'm just finding my feet, sorting my head out a little and trying not to get lost. EEK!
My dad called me the other day, the other week, I've been so busy with everything, mostly modelling but a little bit of life too,, that my brain is all over the place and today is chill day (I'm still in my PJs). He had read my posts and, well this is something you just know is going to happen..
Your parents have a view on your life, for me I really value my parents opinions and advice because I am really indecisive and then feel like I can easily get into a muddle if I am not sure if I'm going in the right direction.
I'm a worrier. Sometimes I tell myself that I'm a Warrior.
Sometimes I can be that Warrior but when things get tough and my brain is all over the place I am that Worrier.
Maybe I should have a badge, half and half. (All I'm thinking about right now is Harry Potter Houses, because I have the badges for them, because I'm so cool ;) hmmm)
My dad, the wise words from a parent, explained to me that my posts were good but could be better, and basically I shouldn't speak badly of people that I've worked with or any of that and yeah sure I get that. So I won't.
I didn't name names but yeah it's silly to write the bad stuff, there's sites for that isn't there? Trip Advisor? How was your experience? Life Advisor, How is your experience going?
Anyway so I probably won't talk about the bad because the bad makes me feel bad and the bad makes others feel bad.. I mean I might touch on a few things but only because it's related to things, maybe relationships. The confusing ones anyway. To say something is bad is an opinion, my opinion only. But tbh I may not bother because even writing about it is boring me, so you're definitely bored right now.
That's what blogs are about, giving your opinion on things. Saying what you like not what Jane down the road likes.
(I don't know anyone called Jane)
My friend Verity lives down the road though (but she'd hate me writing about her) Unless it's the 'Jezzy and Legs Cooking Show', our little pretend cooking show that we talk about because we need to, want to learn about cooking because it's a good skill to have. I think so. Or about a road trip (we like those)
Does anyone else feel like when they've had such a busy few weeks, months, non stoppness of life (and I should stop but I have things to do and sort out and obviously try to make rent and other monies) that they just want to ignore everyone? Checking social media platforms and updating life is such a chore. (updating on the modelling world life is important now as it can have an impact on the amount of work you get) I am at the point where I've been oh so busy I just can't be bothered. I can't be bothered to reply to texts or sort the things out that I'm supposed to do. Sleep doesn't even fix it. Is this when you just know you need a break? My agent asked if I had a boyfriend because of the lack of not calling every other day for updates.. Sadly no.
Parents ask the same thing so I make sure I text them on a daily basis, I don't want them to have any false hope.
Moving house when I did, it wasn't planned and I hadn't planned for it in terms of money or anything so the last month and this month which has been stupid but good busy with modelling means I am a little stressed because it's Summer soon and I would like to go on holiday and I would like to be able to pay rent, bills and have a life. So I have to just keep going and remain positive even though I am in a whirlwind of decisions right now.
My life is a whirlwind right now, it's all or nothing, I'm up here and down there. Not much inbetween, I need a massive sort out, both of materialistic things and brain things.
If you feel I'm ignoring you, I'm not really doing it on purpose I just can't help it. I just need a break from life at the moment. I can sit in my room for hours on end listening to music and at the same time not even paying attention to it.
The life plod is a real one though. Being a warrior all the time is hard and being a worrier all the time is annoying. So I'm both, and happy to admit that. Some days are good and some are bad and some I know that I'll find difficult to get through but I'll get through those, I've done it before so it'll take time but in the end I'll be fine. :)
I think other people just term it as 'KEEP POSITIVE'.
Maybe I should write a book. :)
I need a cup of tea (I've eaten all my rich tea biscuits)
Speak soon, Thanks for reading if you did.
Amy xx
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