Friday, 20 January 2017

Happy New Year!

So yes, I apologise it's been so so long, like really long since I last posted. What with Christmas and working so much, I just to be completely honest, I just put off writing blogs. I know that's bad to admit and I'm sorry (to myself) because this is something I wanted to do and told myself that I should do it but alas have not done as many as I planned to. However! Let's not get down about it, it's fine. If any of you follow me on Instagram or my Twitter then you'll know what I've been up to recently.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and are enjoying 2017 so far. There's quite a lot of things that I still need to write about which I still haven't done so but I will soon. How Soon Is Now? Love that song.

So my plan was, before the New Year, to find some good quotes, you know those ones people always post about feeling positive and good and 'powerful' and whatever. So plan is.. either you (or more so me because I'm still not entirely sure how these blog things work and whether people communicate through them or whether it's just an online journal. For now it's an online journal and so well I guess it'll be just me supplying these 'positive quotes'). .. So I am going to find maybe 7 of these quotes - one per day for a week - that makes you feel good and positive and just well.. 'on it', like you've got this you can do anything ! Because we all know that actually the majority of us feel shit but just don't talk about it right? then maybe (and I'm making assumptions right now) post these 'influential' quotes to boost our own positivity and all that.... 'girl power' 'man power' 'power generally is good'

Anyway. That's my idea. Do check my instagram - legslikesyou I'll probably write abit about each quote (like brief stuff no point in rambling)

Then I always post onto my Twitter amy_woodman account straight away as it's synced, as well as my Tumblr (which tbh is just there as a record thing/journal if all else fails and my life is there in words and pictures)

Speak soon,
Amy x

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