I've been reading and doing some research on other peoples blog and how they write and I've found that to make your blog engaging and fun you just need to be a normal person. Don't try too hard to use all these long words and write paragraphs about what you had for breakfast and how many miles you've ran this morning. Look you went shopping again and spent all this money on those 'on trend' pieces which you know will be out of fashion in a few months but you gotta keep up with it, everyone else is doing it why shouldn't you do it to? I have farr too many clothes to justify buying that much every month.
Each to their own of course. :) <3
I have to admit that I have a (very) short attention span and therefore get distracted easily so
Blog number 1 was really more of an introductory blog. I've got to admit, having the motivation to write about things that I think are interesting and relatable to others is more difficult than I initially thought. Well, I think for me (and probably many others) it's more of a confidence thing, and I've got to admit that my confidence has dropped considerably more than I had anticipated over the last few months. That is due to many changes that I, to be completely honest, I have not really got over.
The answer to all of this is Time.
And I guess it's about building yourself up again, to get back to you.
And I'm trying honest, but I would be lying if I said that I'm not struggling on a daily basis.
So, here we go, another blog done. Blog number 2. Read it how you like. You'll either get it or you won't. I'll make the next one a little sooner (like in the next few minutes as I actually already know what I'm going to talk about)
- get me -
So I hope you've enjoyed being in my head again,
I'll let you in piece by piece, just like the real world.
Lots of love
Amy x
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