Friday, 2 June 2017

A tidy room, A tidy head

You the know saying,

A tidy room, a tidy head.

It's true, honest. Don't you always feel a little more stressed when you room is oh so messy? Well I do. 

I'm a scatty person yes but I like my things in their little area. Well my room isn't tiny but isn't massive either but I do have A LOT of stuff and anyone who knows me knows that is the complete truth. I like stuff in my room. (This is Nigel a GIANT stick insect)

I like plants especially because I like jungles and adventures 
(I need to find someone to go with on one!) Plants make me feel at home and that's always a good thing. Plus they are good for you for all kind of things.

I bought a new plant to add to my collection -it's a type of Bromeliad - Aechmea 'Blue Rain' - I called him Spike... Apparently it's pretty easy to look after. It's a statement plant with blue and red flowers and glossy green leaves with serated edges. A proper jungle plant.

So my plan that I've had for ages is to sort my room out so I can have my plants on shelves then all the jewellery bowls etc with them and maybe some books. A long story short (and to be honest I had drafted another post here but have now decided as from now to keep up the positivity and even reading what I drafted makes me annoyed again so I'm just going to ignore it). 

Basically I bought some nice floating shelves from Homebase and the house I currently live in doesn't have any 'real' walls so every wall we (thanks Dad for helping and doing all the drills things because he is best at that) tried the shelf just fell off the wall. VERY ANNOYING. It just isn't going to work so yes I got very stressed and upset about it. Unfortunately some things are just made badly. It is stupid and very annoying but I'm not a builder so I can't explain in the proper terms. - If anyone is looking for some floating wooden shelves let me know.

Anyway moving on.. I re-sorted things around this week and over the last few days, getting all my summer clothes out and THERE'S A LOT. The plan is to sell some bits, I've done various piles. Really what I need is the help from a friend and then they can help me decide on things. Don't over stress. So now I have a tidy room again and everything is sorted in their areas. Next job is to mess it all up again and start depop'ing 

I also re potted lots of my houseplants which was very exciting and separated some out that were too big. My Mexican Hat Plant has had lots of children so they are now in separate pots (still nearby) I'll probably do a separate post on this as if not it'll all get a little confusing.

Right so better pop this one up, it's been some time. June will be more productive.

Amy xx

Thursday, 1 June 2017



I love dogs. We have 3 at home at my dads (2 are rescue ones from local rescue homes and the other one was bred) and my sister and her boyfriend have 1 - a welsh collie puppy who is also a rescue pup. (Although the puppy is now just over a year old so whether that counts as still being a puppy then I'm not sure) .. photos of him are included in this post - for some silly reason I can only 'sometimes' add other photos to my cloud drive then to here so would have added photos of the other 3 too!!)

However a baby is still a baby until it (he/she) is about 2 or 3 then it's a toddler right? It's always the (slightly) awkward thing at work when deciding on whether to ask the customers if they need a high chair for their 'child' I always think if it  (he/she) looks like it'll (they'd) fit into a high chair then always ask. And if the owners of said child look at you blankly or mishear you and plonked their said child onto a normal chair then you just smile and ask if they'd like some drinks!

Some babies are bigger than other babies.

Some dogs are bigger than other dogs

(I like The Smiths song 'Some girls are bigger than others' hence the reference repeating..)

I like big dogs and boy dogs the best. Girls are okay too but always boy pets really. Maybe it's because the boy pets can't get pregnant and have a million families everywhere. Nothing wrong with that. We have a mixture though of both boy and girl pets and they all get on fine and have been 'done' so no more babies there.. even though lots of mongrel puppies would be amazzzzinng.

I do like some small dogs too.


Yes I am one of those people where if I see a sausage dog I will (get very excited but act as calm as I can) go up to the owners and ask if it is friendly and if I can say hello. Well to be honest I do that with all dogs. Big and small.

But sausage dogs, sausages on legs. (Sorry to the vegs out there for that image). Well they are just amazing aren't they. Not into the yappy ones. I think if I got some dogs I'd get a husky and a sausage dog or a Hungarian (not Horntail sadly) Ridgeback and a Doberman they're cute too. Infact I have a few favourites but I must refrain myself from googling these again because I will spend hours doing so and well I should get to bed because it is getting late and I have to be up early for workies. Not walkies.

So my main reason for this post is just to say dogs are really great. They cheer you up when you are feeling down, even when you have to pick up their poo. It's just how things are. You get to go on adventures and it's really fun. 

If you don't have a dog near you which you can borrow for a day, but you love dogs then you should check out
(Photo is screenshot from website)

I was actually signed up to this when I lived in London but you can sign up and join the club from wherever you are.

You get all the perks of looking after a dog, walks, adventures, new friends.. Without the actual owning of a dog. Which is always tricky if you go away a lot or are a busy bee. It's kind of like bumble but for dogs? There should be an app created for that! (I don't have bumble)

Maybe I'll test it out first hand and then tell you all about it! :)

Has anyone tried it out or has a dog they put on borrow my doggy?

Hope you're all enjoying the first few days of June! Where is time going!??

Lots more to come soon. Lots of posts from before today. Lots of thinking, lots of sorting brain out but dogs (and other pets) keep you happy and I think that is my important reminder for today! I love going home to see all the animals and plants. Makes me feel content for a while at least.

Right I must sleep, speak soon,
Amy xx